Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Lee," THE Classic

I have lost count of how many Children's Corner "Lee" Dresses I have made.  
I never grow tired of this gold standard of a dress.

"Lee" by Children's Corner

Children's Corner "Lee" dress
Children's Corner "Hillary" sleeve (one of my favorites)
Smocking Plate "Daisy Mae" from AS&E 62
Old package of teal petite piping

Art Gallery Voile print

I am in love with using the sleeve from "Hillary."
In person the smocking doesn't appear so dark, but it is darker than I would like.  I can't decide it I should have gone a shade lighter or if the dark is needed to cover the abstract floral pattern.  
I seldom pick an off-white background for a smocked dress.  But I have had multiple ladies try to buy this dress for a red headed girl.  It would be a perfect match.
Dress on display at CJ's Quilt Shop.


Lee with Hillary sleeves

Smocking details


  1. Beautiful. I like the addition of piping it's subtle but adds to the quality finish

  2. Love it! Love it! Thank you for using Children's Corner Patterns!
